Learning that his mother never blamed his father for leaving, he swore to surpass him.

Yui, Yifei, Cryska and Inia are definitely attracted, while Tarisa is hinted to be interested, Stella admits to be interested, and Sharon appears to still have feelings for him. Clueless Chick Magnet: Yuuya has a talent for attracting girls.Character Development: Grows from being whiny, bratty & selfish test pilot into a mature & downright dangerous Eishi.Battle Harem: Much like Takeru Shirogane in the main series, he's a Chick Magnet for female TSF pilots.Of course, that all changes in episode 9. Ace Pilot: He's a very talented pilot, and has a knack for understanding the TSFs he flies, but prior to the story he has no real combat experience with the BETA.Half-Japanese, half-white, he holds anti-Japanese sentiments born from his childhood experiences. A talented US Army test pilot sent to the Yukon Base in Alaska to become the chief development TSF pilot of the XFJ Plan.